
Produced from wine subproducts (advanced)

Our product

The high-quality Bioethanol produced by I.M.A. has a water content of less than 1% and meets the needs of Italian and European refineries for direct blending and for production of ETBE.


Direct mixing

ima biofuels - gruppo bertolino - bioetanolo - carburante verde E10  E20  E85


I.M.A. currently provides bioethanol to several major European refineries and, thanks to its strategical warehouse, it is always ready to supply its product worldwide in bulk.

ima biofuels - gruppo bertolino - bioetanolo - carburante verde foglia

Green fuel

Bioethanol is Dehydrated ethyl alcohol at 99.9° produced from agricultural raw materials. It is a renewable green fuel which is widely used blended with gasoline as it strongly contributes (90%+ Co2 saving) to the reduction of carbon emissions within the transport industry.

ima biofuels - gruppo bertolino - bioetanolo - feccia

CO2 reduction90%

ima biofuels - gruppo bertolino - bioetanolo - trasporto distribuzione europa

Advanced product

I.M.A.’s bioethanol, due to its raw materials’ origin (grape marc and wine-lees), does not interfere with the food-chain. Therefore, the product is considered “advanced” in terms of sustainability according to the RED II (Renewable Energy Directive).